''Cushy enough'', when the soldiers who fought in the trenches were asked, ''How comfy is it'', this was always the answer. A life in the trenches was miserable, number one, the dirtiness. There was little clean water so troops rarely took a bath. Also the trenches were filled with mud. Plus constant rain put of the troops. Many of them caught illness's like influenza, frostbite and hypothermia.Also there were rats,knits and fleas. In fact more troops died from these then battle. Amazingly many died from mud falls A.K.A buried alive. Plus the constant loud noises put the troops of. One of the main challenges was to maintain the damaged bits of barbed wire.Food and clothes were scarce as well, so some starved. People joked and said the troops only had one pair of pyjamas each.A true delight to the troops were red cross parcels and cards or letters from family. Many also died of bullet wounds. Sometimes troops would send postcards back home, with men merrily feasting. this was never true. The soldiers had very high expectation discipline rules. If you fell asleep on night watch, purposely got captured, attempted mutiny or wrote diary entry's against the war leaders you would get thrown into prison, get shot or get filed punishment number one A.K.A being strapped to a post three days straight. The war lasted for four years three months and fourteen days. 37 million died 20 million were injured.Least we forget the brave men who fought to defend our neighbours.
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