Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Holiday Saga Episode 2 The Episode After Episode 1

Two weeks and 4 days ago the holidays started and I guess it's my job to tell you all about it. Term 3 ended with our schools pet day and then it was, ''Bring on the weekend!''.

The first major event was missing out on the Paeroa to Thames Run because I pulled my right hamstring playing rugby, a sport which I don't usually play and you can see why.

The second event worth writing about was when Cooper came over to play on the first Tuesday of the holidays. For a majority of the time we just played tag and chatted and vice versa. Then Cooper suggested we should make a music video since we didn't finish our music video at school. I was like ''um okay'' so we started making costumes but eventually we lost hope altogether for the music video because we realised we would need a proper film camera and on top of that, we couldn't decide which song to base it on.

Then my Dad asked us if we wanted to go eeling. We replied with ''reading you loud and clear, yes we do want to go eeling, over and out''. So Cooper and I went down to the butchers and asked for some scrap meat. They gave us a whole bag of some, jackpot. Cooper and I walked back home and we fed some of the meat to our hens. Then we loaded the hinaki into the boot and we were off. We checked two streams before we found a good one. Then we had to find a spot with deep water to conceal the hinaki encase someone sees it and tries to steal it, the spot also had to have a strong bank to thrust the stick into the ground which our hinaki was tied to so the ground wouldn't give way and our hinaki wouldn't drift off downstream. While my Dad did all of that stuff Cooper and I played racing boats in the strong current. '' Oh no'', ''the Titanic has run aground'' we shouted. On the way back home Cooper had an idea to make a movie at my house. I told my Dad about his idea and then next thing we know he's pulled up at the college getting us a camera. When we got back home we just rested. Then Cooper's Mum asked Cooper if he wanted to stay the night at our house and he said ''yes'', yes!.

Day two, we woke up at the crack of dawn had some breakfast watched an episode of Kevin McLeod's escape to the wild.Then we went to check the hinaki. It was bitterly cold outside but that did not put off our excitement. When we check the hinaki there was an eel in there, celebrate good times come on, okay enough of that. When we got home we cleaned the grill and made a super hot fire. Then we filleted the eel, all right you got me we gutted the eel and chucked the chunks of meat onto the grill. They sizzled like sausages in a pan but one didn't pop and the other didn't go bang. Here is a picture.

Once the eel was finished cooking, we ate it.

Then it was time to film. We filmed a 54 second video about a villain (me)  who could control gravity vs an average guy (Cooper). After filming we had to edit. We added music, voice overs and special effects. The editing took longer than filming the movie itself. We used a technique where you change the camera angle lots to keep the movie flowing. Our finished movie is at the bottom of the post.

Then guess what happened, Cooper was allowed to stay another night at my house. Nothing much happened that day after we made the movie. The next day we made two more movies which weren't as good as our first one. Then Cooper went home.

Then on the second Sunday of the holidays we went to Hamilton with my Mum, Dad, Brother, and Sister to stay a night at our old neighbour's new house in Hamilton. First we went to the base to spend some of our money and guess what I bought, one of the Lego sets from the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens, I got the First Order Troop Transporter here is what it looks like.

At three O'clock we arrived at her house and just relaxed for the day. The next day I woke up and watched the Wallabies beat England. I was the only one who said that Australia would win. 

Then we went to my cousins house in Ngaruawahia. When we arrived our parents sped off to Raglan for two nights. Our cousins have a very cute grey cat called Poppy, she is still a kitten. Then our other cousins arrived and I played rugby with my cousin Carlos. 

Then we went to Carlos's house in Horotiu and played soccer there. Then we went to bed. The next day Carlos, my two other cousins, my Sister and I weeded the garden and got ten dollars each. Then we put all our money together so it totalled to about fifty dollars. We bought an apple pie, a chocolate moose, ice cream and Lemon, Lime and Bitters from Countdown. We ate all of it for dessert while watching Pixels. 

The next day we went home to Ngatea with two of our cousins. When we got home I built my Lego set straight away. It looked awesome when it was finished. Then it was bed time. 

The next day Carlos and I went to a soccer camp run buy Scott Parsonage who works for Waibop Football. My team came second overall at the camp. The next day our cousins went home and that was the end of the holidays.
Here is our movie


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